Pre & Post Natal Nutrition Support.

Pregnancy is a special time, but it can also be overwhelming for expecting parents dealing with the learning curve and information overload. Our perinatal dietitian Sarah is here to offer you support every step of the way and ensure that you and your little one(s) are as healthy and nourished as possible.

Prenatal Nutrition

If you’re asking yourself any of the following questions, we can help:

● What foods should I eat and what foods should I avoid during pregnancy?

● What is the best prenatal vitamin?

● How does one meal plan for pregnancy? Are there any special nutrient requirements?

● How much protein do I need during pregnancy?

● Is there a specific “pregnancy diet” I should be on?

● How do I know what health information is reliable?

● What does “eating for two” really mean?

Postnatal Nutrition

Nutrition is just as essential postpartum as it is during pregnancy. Let us help if you’re asking yourself any of the following questions:

● What foods should I avoid while breastfeeding, and how many calories should I consume?

● How can a healthy diet help with post-partum depression?

● What should I be eating post-partum?

● What supplements should mothers take after birth?

● How do I increase breast milk flow?

● How do I know what health information is reliable?

● How do I balance caring for myself and for my child?

This program includes:

  • Comprehensive initial nutrition assessment

  • 4 follow-ups (ex.1 follow-up per trimester & 1 postpartum follow-up OR 2 prenatal follow-up & 2 postpartum follow-up)

  • Email correspondence between appointments

  • Macro/micronutrient assessment and optimization strategies

  • Evidenced-based handouts and resources

  • Meal ideas & meal planning support

When it comes to pregnancy and nutrition, give yourself peace of mind and set up an initial consultation with us today.

Services are available through a secure video conference or phone in Canada (Ontario and select provinces). A detailed receipt will be provided after every session and direct billing is available for eligible insurance companies.